DG LeatherCraft
Money Clip Wallet Material Pack - Single
This Material Pack includes all the pieces of leather needed to create our Money Clip Wallet.
This style of wallet has been our hottest selling wallet for years in our shop. We created a Project Video on our YouTube Channel last year which shows you how to make this wallet from start to finish. If you would like to see that video you can find it by Clicking Here. You can use this video as a reference when making one of these wallets and we also offer a complete tooling digital PDF pattern pack that you can purchase and download as well if you would like.
The Material Pack includes the wallet body, liner, and both pockets to make one of these wallets. All pieces are die cut to insure accuracy. All the leather pieces are cut from Herman Oak Leather. If you have been wanting to try working with Herman Oak Leather, this is a great way to give it a shot.